PNN RETURNS! Pilot Episode Pearl Net News Returns After Multi-Year Hiatus Show Transcript hello and welcome to the 2025 Revival of prelate News broadcasting the last pnn podcast ran on June 10th 2022 making us a return anticipated after almost 3 years of waiting this is Tanya Lopez and that's fine as bossert this is prawn Net News unfortunately the main Studio isn't in the best condition as of now so we'll be recording from this little desk today we're featuring recent Valentine's Day concert on February 13th the theme of this concert was love hate love this theme included lovey-dovey songs like Valentine by Le and anti lantime Say songs like love hate love by Allison Chains coining the concert's name here's an excerpt from 1 of the songs Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra sung by Matthew barsky what has been your favorite part about performing here at tmhs okay so my favorite part about performing at dpmhs will probably be the community that you find in the music department I feel like even though you can be a senior you meet a lot of friends and meet a lot of people and work with many musicians who are sophomores freshmen and juniors as well as seniors so you get to work with a lot of people and learn how to become more social and just work with people well what songs are you going to be performing I'll be performing Valentine by Le Love full and Fine By The Cardigans and mucho by Lisa Ono what are you excited for about this upcoming concert um I'm more excited for my like more opportunities that I can show like me performing and I don't know build up confidence maybe so that's what more excited for what songs are going to be performing for the Valentine's Day concert I am um singing Wildflower by Billy Alish and I am performing Charming base on 8 No Sunshine by Bill Withers what are you guys looking forward to the most are excited about for the Valentine's Day concert um I'm really excited for to sing hopelessly to go to you cuz I've been doing um I have 2 songs I starting after the intermission and then I'm ending the concert and I'm so nervous but that's okay um but I'm really excited for hopeless I just practiced it for like an hour straight um I'm set watch me bomb it but I'm set you know um I'm just excited to get my foot in the door of the music concerts again I love singing and I just been busy to be able to do it but now that I'm finally doing it again I'm just really excited to just go out there and I see what songs are you guys going to be performing for this concert I'm performing hopelessly devoted to you and love hate love both on vocals I'm performing anything anything by Dramarama what are you excited most about for this upcoming concert I'm so excited because I'm going to perform 1 of my favorite song in the world in English it it calls Shape of My Heart by Sting and uh that's incredibly just um uh heaven for my soul and lastly what song are going to be performing this concert like like I say shape on my heart and I'm playing uh for the scene for Serena 1 more song and that's all we we are going to do uh a surprise for the next concert with lra because we didn't do it on uh this concert but we're going to perform on the next 1 and we'll be so so uh beautiful song What are you most excited for about this concert well I'm playing less songs than I usually do I'm playing 6 or 5 I think 5 songs and I'm singing this time so I'm kind of excited for that and yeah I think that just like singing in like playing the song I picked yeah and lastly what songs are we going to be performing for this concert well doing something by The Beatles I'm singing and playing guitar on that I'm playing harmonica In Shape of My Heart by Sting um playing drums and hopelessly devoted I'm doing guitar for a The Cardigans and say Yes Elliott Smith that's it what are you excited for for this concert um I'm excited because this is definitely 1 of the harder guitar parts that I'm going to play so I'm excited to challenge myself and I'm also excited because we've never done like a Valentine's Day concert and I'm also excited because I'm doing a sole performance which I haven't done before so what songs are you going to be playing I'm going to be playing Shape of My Heart until I find you anything anything Fly Me to the Moon and Lovefool thank you for tuning in to prawet news we hope that this arrival of pnn piqued your interest and hopefully the future ones will too we do not want to leave but we must glaze on out of here he didn't laugh you were left the tail I'll do better next time