English/Language Arts » What we're up to...

What we're up to...

Fall 2023

9th Grade

  • Analyzed multiple fictional and informational texts, including The Hunger Games, to create a visual survival guide.
  • Used research and supporting evidence to argue the chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse in a class debate.
  • Participated in a two sentence horror story writing competition across all four grade levels

11th Grade

  • Explored the American Romantic literary movement by researching modern examples of Transcendentalism and writing their own Gothic folktale.
  • Analyzed the impact of figurative language in prose and poetry by reading The Great Gatsby and influential works from the Harlem Renaissance.

Spring 2024

9th Grade

  • Read and analyzed Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to argue who is most responsible for their death in a competitive class debate
  • Explored three styles of writing (informational, verse, and narrative) to create a portfolio of work. 
  • Drafted, wrote, and peer reviewed an article utilizing one of the writing styles learned throughout the school year to be compiled into the first edition of DPMHS 9th Grade Writers magazine. 

11th Grade

  • Analyzed a work of Shakespeare
    • AP Literature students developed their timed writing and literary argumentation  skills after analyzing Taming of the Shrew
    • Contemporary Composition students crafted a comparative analysis project by comparing thematic and structural elements of Romeo and Juliet to Spielberg’s West Side Story (2021)
  • Developed and strengthened their writing skills
    • AP students participated in writing and literary analysis bootcamps to prepare for their exam.
    • Contemporary Composition composed multiple connected narratives and pieces of poetry, expressing different aspects of their identity and reflecting on their journey as writers.